Sunday, November 10, 2013

MY IN-LAWS!!!!!!

I don't know that there is a closer relationship out there than between a mother-in-law and her son-in-law. When God created relationships, I really believe, He smiled kindly upon this most sacred of relationships.  I laugh a little, but in all honesty, I must tell you that I overwhelmed by the blessing of Lelia and Bill Dvorak. As many of you know, I grew up with the absence of a father.  I don't say this to blast my dad, we have forgiven one another, reconciled and moved on with great healing.  I think one of the neatest things has been to watch as Bill has worked with me and shown me the different things that I missed growing up.  Even this weekend, he is here, working hard to help us put in new cabinets and counter tops.  He is a man of unquestionable Christ like integrity and one of the greatest blessings in my life.  Lelia, has been the sweetest delight of Christ to me.  I've often poked fun at her (make fun of your mother-in-law?  weird), but one of her greatest faults is her unwavering compassion and love for us.  She has a heart of service and kindness that humble and bless me so often.
I had the privilege to sit down with Bill and Lelia Dvorak and talk with them about Uganda.  Here is the interview, enjoy.

1. What was the first thing to run through your mind when you heard that our family was sensing a call to full time mission in Uganda?

Bill-I was going to miss my time to go with you on the next short term trip.  Then I thought, has the boy lost his mind?  Lelia-I love missionaries, but do my daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren have to go?  Now, the thing that a mother wants is for her children to be happiest and I know that following Jesus even to Africa puts them in the center of God’s will. There is nothing that parents want more than to see their kids follow in the Lord.  I am satisfied with that.

2. What is your understanding of our desire to do mission in Uganda?

Bill-I guess just what you guys have told us.  At different times, your answers have been varied.  Debby will teach math, you will be a chaplain.  You have also stated that you have a desire to do more pioneering work and work with short term teams.   Lelia-you guys will be working with people of all races and nations at the international school teaching kids about Jesus.

3. As missionary parents, the acceptance of God’s call on your children to go overseas can be a difficult one to deal with.  What exactly are you trusting in when fear/negativity comes your way?

Lelia-This goes back to our original answer.  Debby says she has never been more sure and you have certainly identified God’s call in what you are setting out to do.  God has been faithful since the beginning, and He want fail us.  Bill-the sovereignty of God, that if you are misunderstanding God’s call, that He will correct that.  And we are trusting in His faithfulness to clarify the call if you are indeed called to go to Uganda.

4. What makes you excited about us serving God in Uganda?

Lelia-I guess just seeing what God has in mind when you get there.  Good works that God has planned for you.  Bill-its front line work and higher risk, God seems to give higher rewards in that environment and it would be cool to see you guys experience that.

5. What makes you afraid for us serving in Uganda?

Lelia-Personal safety and the safety of the family, particularly that the kids will not be properly prepared for the cultural change and the duration that you are going to be there, its not like you are leaving.  Lelia-Plus, I am concerned, I have seen many missionary kids grow up to be a man or woman without a country.  It can take an enormous toll on the kids and the family in general.  There is no doubt that Satan has, is and will continue to attack you before, during and after the field.  Lelia-the other concern is the evil spirits that the children may have to deal with.  Bill-the danger of kidnapping is also a concern.

6. Knowing that we are all called to fill a role in the Great Commission, what role do you see yourself filling in our movement towards Uganda?

Bill-financial support and prayer support, mental participation in whatever you find yourself doing.  Vicariously working with you.  Lelia-continue to be a Barnabas in your lives.  Bill-keeping an eye out for your needs and what they would be and how we could help you.  Lelia-encourage you in the Lord.

7. What would you say to someone who responds to your statement about us going to Uganda with, “Uganda?!?!?!?!?, really?!?!?!?!!? They aren’t taking their kids are they?

They would laugh, Bill would say, ya Justin’s crazy.  Lelia-God created you and God loves you even more than we do so we know that God will protect you no matter where in the world you go.

8. What would you like to say to the readers of our blog and supporters as far as your heart for what we are doing?

Lelia-pray, pray and pray some more.  Bill-I’d like to see that God’s call on Justin and Debby’s life would capture their hearts and that they would want to participate financially and prayerfully.

9. What is your overall feeling about being a POM (Parent of Missionaries)?

Bill-to soon to tell.  Lelia-Very proud of you guys, proud to be the parents of a missionaries.  Proud to be your parents.

I was so grateful for the open candor in this interview.  I am so thankful to God for people who are open and honest and willing to dialogue about concerns about missions. There is such value in the wisdom of these two people.  I love them very very much and I am so grateful for their support.

Yesu Amala

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