Friday, August 16, 2013

fear and the Harbor

This has been a great week for God: the Teacher and justin: the student.  One of the things that I am discovering in my new journey in missions is that, the human brain whether it is in a redeemed or person or not tends to be a natural creature of habit.  By this I mean that no matter how much God has done in a person's life or how well versed in God's word a person is, there is a natural desire for all of us to have control over our situations and to do things our way.  I have seen demonstrated time and time again, that when I take control of my situations and stiff arm God and His leading, I generally end up with a cracked and twisted mess that I inevitably end up asking God to make right.
I think about the Jews when they left Egypt and God parted the Red Sea and how He consistently took care of them and their response was to worship a golden calf and complain.  In Bible studies we condemn this and say, "how could they do this?  They just saw Him part the Red Sea."  Yet on a daily basis God is performing a litany of amazing things right before our (my) eyes and I stand guilty of the same things that the Jews did during that time.  
This week I bowed to fear about so many things.  About my schedule, about my jobs, about fundraising and money and my performance. I chose to stand out in the full force fury of the category 5 hurricane of chaos that Satan can so easily weave around a believer to disable and disconnect them from the Source of provision that God is.  Within the confines of a 70 hour work week, I chose to allow my mind to be exhausted by the withering winds of worry and by doing so, I confirmed to God that I was trusting more in myself and my ability than in His absolutely perfect never-failing plan.  So He waited and by mid-week, I was drained and in desperate need of His rich mercy and grace.  I broke the natural law of pull yourself up by your boot straps and declared my complete dependence upon Him yet again.  As I explained my inability to complete the simplest task apart from Him, He began to remind me that I was the conduit and He was Source.  He flooded me with His great grace and mercy and filled my cup to overflowing.  As I entered His harbor I was reminded that not only was I safe, I was greatly loved for who I am and I needed to prove nothing to Him.  I found the sweetest refuge that no amount of sleep or work or affirmation by man could have ever satisfied.  It was Christ alone that filled me up and removed my fear.  I couldn't explain it, the situations remain the same except that I spent time with Him and He is a transformational God.  

I finished this week watching God provide speaking opportunities about Uganda, and He presented them in ways I hadn't even dreamed of.  Opportunities seemingly came out of no where and yet, I am know that God is the great Orchestrator of these opportunities.  He is a God of abundance and not a God of scarcity and He has proven Himself faithful to me countless times.  He is so good!!

This week I finished up the week with this awesome verse that flowed over me like a balm on a wound.  Hebrews 13:5,6 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."  So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

As this week closes, I want to ask you to just raise your hands up in whatever situation you are in and acknowledge in celebration that we are the richest people because we have a God doesn't just redeem, but walks minute by minute with us through this life.

Prayer Requests this week:  
  • Pray for Debby and I as we continue to develop champions and partners for our call to Uganda.
  • Pray that God will do whatever He has planned and that we would just trust and obey without fear. 
  • Pray that God would give me rest as I am fundraising and working about 60 hours a week.
  • Pray for prayer partners to come along side us.  We are more concerned about that than the financial side of things.  
  • Pray for the many upcoming meetings that God would just let His message flow through me so that those that hear it just point back to Him in admiration and awe.

God send us out that we may proclaim your glory in Uganda and all over the world
Yesu Amala
Jesus is Enough!!!!

brother JW

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